It’s STEM Friday!

I have a new blog meme logo on my Chapter Book of the Day blog today:

STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

I write a monthly column for Booklist’s Quick Tips for Schools and Libraries and as a result have stacks and stacks of GREAT nonfiction books. As you know, I created Nonfiction Monday a few years ago, and now we have a new Nonfiction Monday Round-up host each week.

Nonfiction Monday

The only thing is, once a week is NOT enough when you have all of these great books to share. So…I added another day for nonfiction! (Why not?) On Monday at Chapter Book of the Day I blog about social studies and on Fridays I blog about science and mathematics. Win-win!

(I’ve been blogging STEM Friday books since May 20, so I’ve gone back and added the logo to the older posts as well. I also wanted to send a very special thanks to my daughter, the designer, who created this new logo for me. You’re a genius! 🙂 )

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My NEW book is here! Read and Write Sports: Readers Theatre and Writing Activities for Grades 3-8
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