Picture Book of the Day

Baby Born
by Anastasia Suen (Author) and Chih-Wei Chang (Illustrator)
Booktalk: “The soothing verse follows a year in the life of a newborn…”
~Kirkus Reviews
Baby born
in winter’s sleep
snowflakes fall
snuggle deep
See inside this board book!
Also available in Spanish

Chapter Book of the Day

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6: Cabin Fever
by Jeff Kinney (Author, Illustrator)
224 pages
Booktalk: Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he’s innocent. Or at least sort of.
The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he’s going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays?
Snippet: Most people look forward to the holidays, but the stretch between Thanksgiving and Christmas just makes me a nervous wreck. If you make a mistake in the first eleven months of the year, it’s no bog deal. But if you do something wrong during the holiday season you’re gonna pay for it.
BONUS! See the video!
My Book of the Week

Road Work Ahead by Anastasia Suen
A transportation picture book
- Copyright: 2011
- Ages: 3-5
- Hardcover
- Publisher: Viking
“Suen’s sparse rhyming verse leads readers through the busy scenes and uses simple vocabulary that suits both the youngest listeners and those just beginning to read.” ~ Kirkus Reviews
“A batch of Grandma’s homemade oatmeal cookies beckons, but for this backseat narrator, the sights and sounds along the road to her house are equally compelling.” ~ Publishers Weekly
Play the Road Signs Matching Game.
Take the online Traffic Sign Quiz for Kids.
Watch the construction site video.
Make a Traffic Light Necklace with yarn and stickers.
Children’s Book Genres Workshop
Planning to write a children’s book in 2012?
(Ask someone to buy you a workshop for the holidays!)
A children’s book isn’t just one kind of book – there are 6 very different children’s book genres. Each genre meets the needs of a different stage of childhood. How are books for the stages of childhood structured? What story layers do the books have? What promises do they make?
In the Children’s Book Genres Workshop you will begin at the beginning with a child’s everyday world (realistic fiction) as you read 3 books for each stage of childhood and look beneath the surface to see how each children’s book genre is put together.
The next Children’s Book Genres Workshop begins on January 4th. This online workshop does not have a physical meeting place or classroom hours. You will have 8 weeks to complete the 6 lessons in this online workshop. Turn your lessons in as you complete them, the next day…or on the due date two weeks later.
After you discover the genre that is right for you, take the Intensive Picture Book Workshop, Children’s Chapter Books Workshop or the Children’s Novels Workshop and begin writing your own children’s book!
The January workshop dates are January 4-February 22, 2012.
STEM Friday on December 9, 2011

STEM Friday is coming! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
The STEM Friday Round-up on December 9, 2011
is at Wrapped in Foil.
Literary Link
As budgets get stretched, schools turn to free digital tools
Blog Countdown #7
Dear Readers,
Due to technical difficulties (see below) I am moving ALL of my blogs here to Booktalking.
Q. Why are you moving your blogs during the busy holidays?
A. Two reasons:
1. I’m being innundated by foreign language spam.
2. The Feedburner subscription service has locked me out.
This means that while others have found me (in a BIG way!) I can no longer find you. I can’t access my subscriber lists. I’ve had the same login since 2006, but Feedburner was sold to Google and now my passwords no longer work!
I have to START OVER.
1. I will consolidate ALL 8 blogs into 1 at Booktalking.
2. I will count down this week and next (from 10-1)…and then close the other 7 blogs.
If you read this blog via a Google subscription, please click here and sign up for email with WordPress. (It’s the widget on the right that says “Send me this blog via email.”) Then I can see you – and help you – if you need assistance with your subscription.

My NEW picture book is Road Work Ahead (Viking)
Copyright © 2011 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.