My Dog Is the Best


My Dog Is the Best
by Laurie Ann Thompson (Author) and Paul Schmid (Illustrator)

Booktalk: What do you get when you combine one energetic, enthusiastic little boy with his sleepy but tolerant dog? Unconditional love.

Using simple words and spare illustrations, My Dog Is the Best celebrates the special bond that exists between a young child and a beloved family pet. It’s the heartwarming story of two best friends. . . told by a boy with a very active imagination.

He reads books.


I’ve known Laurie for ten years. (We started working together in 2005 when she signed up for her first online writing workshop.) Needless to say I was quite pleased when she emailed me last month to let me know she had another new book coming out! After I asked her if could share it on my blog, Laurie invited me to be a part of this blog tour and graciously agreed to answer my three blog tour questions…


Q. When did you start writing?
Well, I guess in some ways I’ve always been a writer. My mom says that before I could even read my favorite thing to do was tell her stories, on and on, hour after hour. Later, in school, I loved every assignment related to writing. As a teen, I kept a journal, including lots of really terrible, angsty poetry. And, just for fun, I pursued a technical writing minor in college. Still, I never considered writing as a career until I was pregnant with my first child. I didn’t know much about having babies or raising them, so that became my big research project. I read everything I could get my hands on, and—of course—passed all of that useful knowledge on to my friends who already had children. One day my best friend said, “You know, you should really write all of this stuff down for people. It seems like such a waste to just tell me.” I realize now that it was probably just to shut me up (tactful, isn’t she?), but her comment set me on a new course, and I started querying parenting magazines. After my child was born, however, I fell in love with the children’s books I was reading at bedtime every night. I knew I’d found my calling.


Q. Describe your writing process.
It really varies, since I write so many different kinds of things. If I’m setting out to write long-form nonfiction, such as Be a Changemaker: How to Start Something that Matters, I start with research, then I outline, then I draft the proposal. Finally, when I’ve worked on that for a long time and given it a lot of time to stew in my brain, then I start drafting sample chapters. Inevitably, that changes the proposal and the outline, but I just can’t start with the actual writing until I have a vision of how all of the pieces are going to come together in the end.

Be A Changemaker

A. For picture books, even nonfiction like Emmanuel’s Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, it’s more about trial and error, jumping in and playing with the story. I’ll usually just do just enough research or idea generation to have a basic idea of where I’m headed, then I’ll just start drafting. When I find a general structure that I like, then I’ll go back and research to find the facts and details that I need to flesh it out (for nonfiction) or I’ll work on developing the story arc and characters (for fiction).

Emmanuel's Dream

A. In either case, my favorite part is revision. I was a software engineer before switching to writing, and revision feels just like debugging. I love taking something that is “broken” and fixing it so it’s just right, removing all of the errors getting all the parts to work perfectly alone and together as a whole.


Q. Tell us about your latest book.
I initially wrote the manuscript for my latest book, My Dog Is the Best, as an assignment for your Easy Readers/Early Chapter Books workshop! It’s very different from what I usually write. Be a Changemaker and Emmanuel’s Dream are both serious nonfiction, while My Dog Is the Best is sweet, humorous fiction. I wanted to play with simple language for very young readers, while using emotions and scenes to which many young children could relate. I tweaked a bit for rhythm, pattern, and word choice, but the draft came out almost the same as you can see it in its final form in the book today. I was pleasantly surprised to have something I liked result from an assignment in a genre I wasn’t used to writing in, and even more pleasantly surprised when others liked it, too!


Thanks so much for visiting the blog, Laurie! The book is adorable!

STEM + the Arts = STEAM

STEAM DIY Activity

The main character in My Dog Is the Best is a “maker” too. After he read a dinosaur book, he made a dinosaur costume he made for his dog. For your STEAM DIY Activity, you can make a costume for your dog, or make a small dog out of clay. If you have an adult to help you, try making a polymer clay puppy with this YouTube tutorial. (Click on the SEE MORE link under the video on YouTube to see the materials list.)

Visit all of the stops on the My Dog Is the Best book tour!

6/6/2015 Booking Mama
6/8/2015 Jean Reidy
6/9/2015 Watch. Connect. Read.
6/10/2015 5 Minutes for Books
6/11/2015 KidLit Frenzy
6/12/2015 Unleashing Readers
6/16/2015 Booktalking #kidlit
6/19/2015 Kirby’s Lane
7/1/2015 Library Lions

Complete the form below to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy of MY DOG IS BEST. (Must have a U.S. mailing address to enter.)

Copyright © 2015 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.
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Cliff Dwellings: A Hidden World

Cliff Dwellings

Cliff Dwellings: A Hidden World (Abandoned! Towns Without People series)
by Kevin Blake (Author)

Booktalk: Hear the amazing story of the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde, which were suddenly and mysteriously abandoned more than 700 years ago.

An Amazing Discovery:
On a snowy day in December 1888, two cowboys, Richard Wetherill and his brother-in-law Charlie Mason, stopped at the edge of a deep canyon in southwestern Colorado. Richard peered through the falling snow, hoping to find some cattle that had wandered off. Instead, he spotted something strange inthe cliffs below. His heart begin to race.

There, built into the side of the red-yellow cliffs was a hidden village of buildings and towers.

See this page inside the book.

STEM + the Arts = STEAM

STEAM DIY Activity

See How To Build An Adobe Dwellings Diorama.

Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

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. . .

Key Discoveries in Engineering and Design


Key Discoveries in Engineering and Design (Science Discovery Timelines)
by Christine Zuchora-Walske (Author)

Booktalk: What smaller scientific discoveries led up to major breakthroughs such as the assembly line, computers, or the Internet? Who first proposed ideas to solve problems? And how did the solutions change over time? Trace the history of key discoveries in engineering and design with timelines and find out the facts.

Many thousands of years ago, people tasked with raising stone structures faced a problem. How could they make openings, such as windows and doorways, in their structures without weakening them? How could they create roofs and ceilings that would support their own weight and any weight above them? Openings were important for light, ventilation, movement, and defense. Roofs and ceilings, of course, provided shelter for people and objects housed in the space below. But roofs or windows with open space beneath them ran the risk of caving in.

STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

#kidlit Link of the Day:
See how the Pre-K to grade 3 students at Usher Collier-Heights Elementary School in Atlanta, GA solved their STEM Friday engineering and design problem in “the final STEM Friday challenge for the fall season.”

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Spectacular Spots

Spectacular Spots

Spectacular Spots
by Susan Stockdale (Author, Illustrator)

Booktalk: What kind of spots do animals have? And why do they have them? Find out the many ways in which animals benefit from their spots. (Animal facts and spot matching game in the back of the book.)

Spots on creatures all around
way up high and on the ground.

#kidlit Link of the Day:

This week’s Poetry Friday Round-up is hosted by Jama’s Alphabet Soup.

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The Crown Affair

The Crown Affair

The Crown Affair (Nursery-Rhyme Mysteries)
by Jeanie Franz Ransom (Author) and Stephen Axelsen (Illustrator)

Booktalk: In the sequel to What REALLY Happened to Humpty?, Jack (Jill’s other half) fell down the Hill and had his crown stolen. It’s up to detective Joe Dumpty to round up the usual suspects and track down the culprit.

When did you notice the crown was missing?” I asked.
“Not right away,” Jill replied. “First, I checked on Jack. Then I called 9-1-1. After that, it’s a blur. I was a little dizzy myself. I came tumbling down after, you know?”


#kidlit Link of the Day:
2015 Children’s Choices winners announced! by the Children’s Book Council.


“Each year, over 36,000 children from different regions of the United States read newly-published children’s and young adult trade books and vote for the ones they like best. These Children’s Choices, selected from more than 500 titles, can be counted on as books children really enjoy reading.”


Copyright © 2015 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.
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Must. Push. Buttons!

Must. Push. Buttons!

Must. Push. Buttons!
by Jason Good (Author) and Jarrett Krosoczka (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Want to see inside a toddler’s (frantic) mind? Read this book! (Highly recommended for both parenting classes and Early Childhood Education training.)

I wanna play with Daddy’s phone
I wanna put on Mommy’s shoes
Get Mommy’s shoes off my feet now!

#kidlit Link of the Day:
Tips for Encouraging Literacy in Your Infant/Toddler Program from ZERO TO THREE

Copyright © 2015 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.
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The Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors
by Mark Stewart (Author)

Booktalk: Who will win the NBA Finals this year? Read about your favorite basketball team in the Team Spirit series. Here is a snippet from The Golden State Warriors.

One Great Day

Snippet: When Wilt Chamberlain joined the NBA, Philadelphia coach Frank McGuire boasted that the seven-footer would score 100 points in a game. Chamberlain was amazingly quick and strong. Other players simply could not handle him. All he needed to make his coach’s prediction come true was a little help from his friends.

Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

#kidlit Link of the Day:


“Share My Lesson will offer four days of free online professional development from top education leaders during June and July. There will be sessions for everyone, including new teachers. And the best part? You receive one professional development credit for each session you attend.”

[Illustrations by Daniel Baxter]

Copyright © 2015 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.
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The Pier at the End of the World

PierAtTheEndOfThe World

The Pier at the End of the World
by Paul Erickson (Author) and Andrew Martinez (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Follow a day in the life of the denizens lurking in the cold, tide-swept waters beneath a remote pier on the shore of a northern sea.

As dawn breaks at low tide, the pier’s decaying skeleton stands out in the low light. Tall wooden poles, called pilings, hold up a few weather-beaten boards. Around the bases of these pilings, the sea gurgles.

STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

#kidlit Link of the Day:
Mark your calendars! STEM Friday is participating in the 2015 Summer of Learning professional development series brought to you by Share My Lesson. This free AFT webinar on July 9th offers one hour of professional development credit.


Copyright © 2015 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.
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A Bat Cannot Bat, a Stair Cannot Stare: More About Homonyms and Homophones


A Bat Cannot Bat, a Stair Cannot Stare: More About Homonyms and Homophones
by Brian P. Cleary (Author) and Martin Goneau (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Do you think there’s no more to know about homonyms and homophones? This book will prove you wrong! With dozens of laughs per second, the value of the lesson doesn’t lessen the second time around. (In the book each pair of homonyms or homophones appears in color for easy identification.)

Homonyms are spelled the same,
and they’re alike in sound.

Their meanings, though
are different–like
“That sink may
sink into the ground.

This week’s Poetry Friday Round-up is hosted by Buffy’s Blog.

#kidlit Link of the Day:
Looking for book comps? Check the Children’s Picture Book Database at Miami University for a collection of picture book abstracts searchable by topics, concepts, and skills.

Copyright © 2015 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.
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Face Off

Face-Off by Jake Maddox
(ghostwritten by Anastasia Suen)

Booktalk: Kyle wants to be a great hockey player, just like his brother, Caleb. Unfortunately, Kyle spends a lot of time sitting on the bench. The only way he’ll ever catch up to his brother’s goal total is if the coach lets him play more, and if his teammates begin to accept him. If Kyle can get his head in the game when he is on the ice, he might have a chance at scoring some major points for the team.

  • Copyright: 2007
  • Guided Reading level: M
  • Lexile Level: 470L
  • ATOS Level: 3.2
  • AR Quiz Number: 109966
  • Library Binding / Paperback: 72 pages
  • Publisher: Stone Arch Books

Book Activities:

Explore the Science of Hockey.

Find the words in this hockey word search.

Make your own Hockey Word Search.

Author’s Note:
Tonight is the first night of the Stanley Cup Finals! When Mike Modano and the Dallas Stars were playing for the Stanley Cup, it was hockey madness at our house. The kids played street hockey in front of our house every day after school and into the summer. (The final Stanley Cup game against Buffalo in 1999 went into TRIPLE overtime, but the Stars won! Go, STARS!)

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