The White House for Kids: A History of a Home, Office, and National Symbol, with 21 Activities
by Katherine L. House (Author)
Booktalk: Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live and work in the most important house in the country, or what it’s like to grow up there?
Kids can:
* Build a model White House
* Design an official china pattern
* Play key passages of “Hail to the Chief”
* Practice signing a bill the way presidents do
* Make White House fruit punch
* Play an aerobic game designed for President Hoover
* And much more
The White House itself has six levels if you count its two-story subbasement. It boasts 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 12 chimneys. The president and his family live mainly on the top two floors. Only family members, invited guests, and employees have the privilege of seeing those floors.

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