Rabbi Benjamin’s Buttons
by Alice B. McGinty (Author) and Jennifer Black Reinhardt (Illustrator)
Booktalk: The families of the congregation make Rabbi Benjamin a special holiday vest, complete with four shiny silver buttons. Throughout the year—Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Chanukah, and Passover—the rabbi celebrates with his congregation, unable to resist their delicious home-cooked food. But with each holiday his vest grows tight, tighter, until . . . POP! (Recipes included in the back of the book!)
Snippet: During Sukkot, the fall festival of the harvest, Rabbi Benjamin visited a different family’s sukkah each night. Sitting in on their sukkot under starry skies, they sang songs of thanksgiving and ate meals of squash, stuffed cabbage, and sweet potato pie. The rabbi ate and sang until the holiday vest stretched very tightly across his belly.
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