Hello! I wanted to let you know that I am moving Booktalking #kidlit from a self-hosted WordPress back to my original hosted WordPress.com blog. (Same name, same posts, different location.) Hosting a blog on my website had been a goal of mine for many years, so that is why I moved over in 2012, but like anything else there are plusses and minuses.
You do your own tech support.
You download, store, and back up everything yourself. (When you run out of space, you have to delete something else…again!)
On the other hand, when I move back to my original hosted WordPress.com blog, someone else does all of that techy stuff!
And there’s more!
With this move I can get a new “responsive” theme that will automatically adapt to the size of the screen it is being viewed on–cellphone, tablet, computer. (Yes, I could download that myself, but that brings me back to MINUS #1 and #2 above.)
WordPress’s blog post emails ALWAYS show the book covers. That is not the case with the Google Feedburner email delivery I have been using for the self-hosted blog (and for some of you on this hosted WordPress.com blog). In fact, it is just the opposite. The default setting for Google’s Feedburner email delivery is to REMOVE all images in the post.
(If your email message says Google at the bottom, please click here to sign up for WordPress email delivery. After this message comes through I am deleting the Google Feedburner email settings for both blogs. The last time I “remodeled” a blog, the Google Feedburner service sent out 3 months of posts in one day!)
The plan is to move the old posts over during spring break and to start booktalking again on St. Patrick’s Day. I’m not sure if I can “export” them all in one fell swoop, or if I have to copy them in one by one. We shall see what works! I just wanted to send out a message ahead of time in case the blog sent any old posts by mistake.
Enjoy your spring break! I’ll be back on Monday, March 17th…
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