Picture Book of the Day

Sir Cumference and the Viking’s Map
by Cindy Neuschwander (Author) and Wayne Geehan (Illustrator)
Booktalk: Xaxon Yellowbearyd was the fiercest Viking warrior of his time. Now a map to his hidden treasure lies in Radius’s and Per’s hands. Together the cousins must decode the strange numbered grid on the map-and figure out the secret of the Viking’s X and Y axes. As bungling bandits pursue them, Radius and Per use coordinate geometry in their quest for “treasure of the greatest measure.”
Snippet: “We’re well and truly lost,” Per said to her cousin, Radius. “How I wish we had a map.”
STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Come share your link!
Chapter Book of the Day

Self-Portrait With Seven Fingers
by J. Patrick Lewis and Jane Yolen (Authors) and Marc Chagall (Illustrator)
40 pages
Booktalk: A biography in free verse, penned by J. Patrick Lewis, the 2011 Children’s Poet Laureate, and Jane Yolen, “the Hans Christian Andersen of America,” with paintings by Marc Chagall on every spread, this collection of fourteen poems is aptly named, as to do something “with seven fingers” is a Yiddish expression meaning to do something well or adroitly. Notes for each painting explain the vocabulary as well as Chagall’s art and personal history.
Paris Through the Window (J. Patrick Lewis)
My window opens to you, Paris!
Inhabit my brushes, dine on my canvas.
Poetry Friday

This week’s Poetry Friday Round-up is hosted by Wild Rose Reader.
Nonfiction Monday on May 7, 2012

Nonfiction Monday is coming!
The Nonfiction Monday Round-up on May 7, 2012
is at The Swimmer Writer.

Read and Write Sports: Readers Theatre and Writing Activities for Grades 3-8
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