Picture Book of the Day

The Little Red Pen
by Susan Stevens Crummel (Author) and Janet Stevens (Author, Illustrator)
Booktalk: An fun comic book style retelling of the Little Red Hen, as a Little Red Pen. She’s not baking a cake, she’s correcting homework… and the deadbeats are the other office supplies in the teacher’s desk.
Snippet: Where are my helpers?
Stapler, Scissors, Pencil
Eraser, Pushpin, Highlighter!
Are you hiding in the drawer?
Get up here now! Let’s get to work.
BONUS! See the video!
Chapter Book of the Day

Till Death Do Us Bark: 43 Old Cemetery Road: Book 3
by Kate Klise (Author) and M. Sarah Klise (Illustrator)
144 pages
Booktalk: When a shaggy dog arrives at Spence Mansion, Seymour is overjoyed. His adoptive parents, Ignatuis B. Grumply and Olive C. Spence, are less enthusiastic — especially when Secret, the dog, begins barking all night long. (A story told in letters.)
Snippet: Dear Olive and Mr. Grumply,
A dog followed me home from the library today. I’ve always wanted a dog, and this one has a lot of personality. He even smiles!
My Book of the Week

Road Work Ahead by Anastasia Suen
A transportation picture book
- Copyright: 2011
- Ages: 3-5
- Hardcover
- Publisher: Viking
“Suen’s sparse rhyming verse leads readers through the busy scenes and uses simple vocabulary that suits both the youngest listeners and those just beginning to read.” ~ Kirkus Reviews
“A batch of Grandma’s homemade oatmeal cookies beckons, but for this backseat narrator, the sights and sounds along the road to her house are equally compelling.” ~ Publishers Weekly
Play the Road Signs Matching Game.
Take the online Traffic Sign Quiz for Kids.
Watch the construction site video.
Make a Traffic Light Necklace with yarn and stickers.
Literary Links
How are picture book apps created? Editor Anne Hoppe shows us with @alyankovic’s WHEN I GROW UP (via @thepageturn)
Nominate a book for the Cybils awards!
My NEW book, The Zombie Project (The Boxcar Children Mysteries #128)
Copyright © 2011 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.