My Book of the Week

Baby Born
by Anastasia Suen (Author) and Chih-Wei Chang (Illustrator)
Booktalk: “The soothing verse follows a year in the life of a newborn…”
~Kirkus Reviews
Baby born
in winter’s sleep
snowflakes fall
snuggle deep
See inside this board book!
Also available in Spanish

For toddler time:
Craft: Make a baby in a blanket (just like the book cover!)
Picture Book of the Day

by Mary Newell DePalma (Author, Illustrator)
Booktalk: The word in the title is the only word in this almost wordless book about a small dinosaur who keeps getting himself into trouble. (A perfect “I love you no matter what” book for Valentine’s Day today!)
Snippet: Uh-Oh!
Chapter Book of the Day

Little Wings #1: Willa Bean’s Cloud Dreams
by Cecilia Galante (Author) and Kristi Valiant (Illustrator)
112 pages
Booktalk: Most cupids have soft straight hair, rosy cheeks, and silky white wings. Not Willa Bean! She has a crazy mess of hair, a million-bajillion freckles, and bright purple wings with silver tips. And lately those bright purple wings with silver tips have been giving Willa Bean an awful lot of problems. They won’t fly!
Snippet: Harper was going to help Wllla Bean in a very special way.
She was going to teach Willa Bean how to get those purple wings with the silvers tips of hers to behave.
Because there was no way, nohow, nope-ity, nope, nope, nope, that Willa Bean was going to start at the Cupid Academy tomorrow without being able to fly.
Literary Links
Elana Roth Opens Red Tree Literary (via GalleyCat)
A bathtub made of books? (via @quirkbooks)


My NEW chapter book is Save the Best for Last, Abby (All-Star Cheerleaders)
Copyright © 2012 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.