Picture Book of the Day

A Leaf Can Be . . .
by Laura Purdie Salas (Author) and Violeta Dabija (Illustrator)
Booktalk: Find out about the many roles leaves play in this poetic exploration of leaves throughout the year.
A leaf can be a …
Soft cradle
Water ladle
**Laura is one of my former students!**
Poetry Friday

This week’s Poetry Friday Round-up is hosted by The Opposite of Indifference.
Chapter Book of the Day

Explore Simple Machines! With 25 Great Projects
by Anita Yasuda (Author)
96 pages
Booktalk: Investigating the common contraptions that make so much possible—from zippers and rolling pins to catapults and the pyramids—this book encourages kids to look differently at the numerous objects in everyday life. Each chapter is dedicated to one of the six straightforward implements that are at the core of daily activity: levers, inclined planes, pulleys, screws, wedges, and wheels and axles. Using only discarded items from the recycling bin, this guide harnesses kid-power by inviting young readers to build gadgets of their own design, including a working crane, a drawbridge, a car made of fruit peels, and an actual whirligig.
Snippet: Simple machines are all around you. They are in your home, your school, and your park. They are used in sports. They are used in games you play, even in board games. Simple machines can even be found in your body!
**Anita is one of my former students!**
STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
come share your link or a STEM haiku of your own!
STEM Haiku
simple machines
pulley, screw, wedge and
wheel, planes and axles too
simple, but mighty
© 2012 Anastasia Suen
Literary Link
Bank Street/SLJ Unveil Children’s Choice Award for Best STEM Picture Book
Nonfiction Monday on April 30, 2012

Nonfiction Monday is coming!
The Nonfiction Monday Round-up on April 30, 2012
is at GatheringBooks.

Read and Write Sports: Readers Theatre and Writing Activities for Grades 3-8
Copyright © 2012 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.