Picture Books: Nonfiction, Fiction or Both?

For a little different approach to Nonfiction Monday, let’s take a look at some recent picture books that push the boundaries of traditional nonfiction.

As you may already know, I recently was a round I judge for 2018 Cybils Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction. It turned out a few of the nominated books were hard to categorize. Were they fiction or nonfiction?

For example, one of the nominees was Janet Halfmann’s Midnight Teacher (reviewed last year at Wrapped in Foil).

Midnight Teacher looks and reads like a typical nonfiction biography. The publisher’s website says it is “based on a true story,” but calls it historical fiction in some of the press materials. In this case, it is probable that there was too little information about Lilly Ann Granderson for a strictly nonfiction biography.

Another example is Walking the City with Jane:  A Story of Jane Jacobs by Susan Hughes.

Again, it has all the appearances of a picture book biography. My library had it shelved in nonfiction. Yet, if you read the author’s note in the back matter, you find out that this is a “fictionalized” account (no details given.) This is more problematic for me, because what is fact and what is fiction is unclear.

Recently, Carol Hinz had an excellent discussion of four picture books that blend fiction and nonfiction at Lerner Blog.

In these, the fictional elements are easier to spot. For example, in Flower Talk by Sara Levine a cactus narrates the book.

A talking cactus is pretty obviously fictional.

In Love, Agnes by Irene Latham, which was categorized in Cybils as Fiction, a octopus sends postcards to her neighbors (reviewed today at Wrapped in Foil).

Again, the fictional aspects are clear. There’s also, however, a wonderful factual underpinning and the back matter is all hardcore nonfiction. Rather than in some gray area between fiction or nonfiction, this book shouts that it is clearly and loudly BOTH.

What do you think of picture books that explore the limits of nonfiction?  Do they belong here at Nonfiction Monday or do we need a new category — other than creative nonfiction — that celebrates books like these?

Copyright © 2019 Roberta Gibson All Rights Reserved.

Unpresidented ~ a biography of Donald Trump

Unpresidented: A Biography of Donald Trump
by Martha Brockenbrough
432 pages; ages 12 – 18 (and older)
Feiwel & Friends, 2018

Weighing in at 400-plus pages and more than an inch thick, this biography doesn’t waste words on frivolities. Author Martha Brockenbrough dedicates her newest book to the Parkland generation (“You know what to do”) and then dives into a very readable – and critical – biography of a sitting president.

But first she takes time to clarify journalism’s role in history. In particular, how journalists and other nonfiction writers uncover facts and – more importantly – take the time to verify them. In particular, Brockenbrough writes about the spread of false information, and how we know that Trump does, indeed, spread lies. She clarifies what fairness and balance mean in the context of telling truths, and then tosses in this caveat: it’s difficult to write accurately about Trump because “he often speaks inaccurately about himself.”

I like the structure of the book: beginning with the election, flashing back to his immigrant parents, and then to Donald J’s childhood. Born into wealth, he started life lucky, writes Brockenbrough. But he lost his mother at a young age and, as he grew older, he became a bully. He caused so much trouble that his father sent him to a military academy, hoping the experience would make him shape up.

Brockenbrough follows Donald through his business ventures where his driving goal was to do whatever it took to win. Those brash – and questionably ethical – tactics followed him into entertainment and then into his candidacy for the highest office of the land.

“Trump appeared to be looking at the campaign the way a salesman looks at a product he wants to move,” writes Brockenbrough. “What do people want to hear?”

Brockenbrough writes about the Russia connections, the debates with Hillary Clinton, FBI investigations and hacking. She shows how unprepared he was to win and how little he did to prepare himself for the transition of power after the election. Brockenbrough does a marvelous job comparing and contrasting Trump and Robert Mueller, and details the ways the 45th president is using his office to enrich himself. She lays out clear evidence for his assault on democracy and a free press.

Provable facts matter, says Brockenbrough. “It’s one thing to make a partisan argument based on different political philosophies. But it’s another thing to ignore or misstate facts to protect a political party or its leader.” Once you leave facts in the dust, you’re on your way to fascism.

Brockenbrough provides a hefty section of back matter: a timeline of Trump’s life, his presidency, thumbnail bios of key campaign staff and political advisors – names you’ve heard in news reports and many of whom are under indictment. There are more than 50 pages of endnotes documenting quotes, and a handy index with entries including “racism” and “Russian election interference”.

You can find out more about Martha Brockenbrough and her books at her website.

Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

Copyright © 2019 Sue Heavenrich All Rights Reserved.

Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World

Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World
by Katherine Halligan (Author) and Sarah Walsh (Illustrator)

Booktalk: It’s time for herstory–a celebration of not only what girls can do, but the remarkable things women have already accomplished, even when others tried to stop them. Follow the stories of fifty powerhouse women from around the world and across time who each managed to change the world as they knew it forever.


Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

Copyright © 2018 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Dream Big with Dave McGillivray

Let’s start the New Year with a picture book that has a stirring message,  Dream Big: A True Story of Courage and Determination by Dave McGillivray and Nancy Feehrer, and illustrated by Ron Himler.

When I was little, I was little.
Really little.
But my dreams? They were BIG.

So starts Dave McGillivray’s autobiographical picture book.

Dave really wanted to be an athlete, but his small size kept him out of many sports. But he didn’t let that stop him. On his twelfth birthday he started running. By the time he was 17, he decided to give the nearby Boston Marathon a try. The first year wasn’t the success he had hoped, but he has managed to run every Boston Marathon for the last 45 years. The best part is that not only is he a world-renowned athlete, but also he’s the race director.

Dave’s Dream Big attitude is infectious. Check out a copy and get inspired today!

See Wrapped In Foil blog for related activity suggestions.

Let’s resolve to read more (nonfiction) in 2019!

Copyright © 2018 Roberta Gibson All Rights Reserved.

When Paul Met Artie

When Paul Met Artie: The Story of Simon & Garfunkel
by G. Neri (Author) and David Litchfield (Illustrator)

Booktalk: From childhood friendship to brief teenage stardom, from early failures to musical greatness — the story of how Simon & Garfunkel became a voice of their generation . . .

Back matter includes a discography, a bibliography, and notes about musical connections to specific songs.


A 2018 Cybils Poetry nominee

BONUS! Download the Teacher’s Guide

Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

Copyright © 2018 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover

Today we’re exploring Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover by Markus Motum, a picture book nominated for a 2018 Cybils award.

Told in the first person by the rover herself, the text explains the project in detail. Readers discover the initial concept, how the rover was constructed, about the trip to Mars, how the rover was deployed, and the tools she uses on the planet to look for evidence of life.

Markus Motum is an artist by training and his unusual mixed-media illustrations are what capture the reader’s attention about the book, starting with the big red planet Mars set against the blackness of space on the title page. He uses geometric shapes like triangles, rectangles, and pyramids in his landscapes. The shapes create a feeling of other worldliness that carries throughout.

Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover will be a good choice for kids fascinated by our solar system and the rovers that help us explore it. It would also be a useful resource for research projects and classroom use because it is packed with information. Check out a copy today.

For the full review and activity suggestions, be sure to visit Wrapped in Foil blog.

Copyright © 2018 Roberta Gibson All Rights Reserved.

Strong is the New Pretty

9781523505500_3DStrong is the New Pretty: A Guided Journal for Girls

By Kate T. Parker

Workman, 2018

Strong is the New Pretty: A guided journal for girls is a tween book that celebrates the power of girls from ages 7-14.  The book combines activity, writing, and drawing prompts with photos, quotes, and challenges. The pages are colorfully decorated and invite doodling and note-taking.  The blue elastic cord is attached with grommets and keeps the book from flapping open, and a colorful orange ribbon is sewn into the binding to mark the reader’s page.  Strong is the New Pretty is for princesses, athletes, bookworms, and dreamers.

If you’re looking for a holiday gift for a young girl, Strong is the New Pretty is inspirational and a perfect gift for a strong young girl in your life.  If you can purchase it from an independent bookstore, so much the better.

Though I usually review library books, this is definitely not a library book.  It is intended to be a celebration of one special girl, and used until it’s frayed and tattered.

Note: My copy of Strong is the New Pretty was provided by the publisher.  See all of my reviews on my blog, Shelf-employed.


Copyright © 2018 L Taylor All Rights Reserved.


Siege: How General Washington Kicked the British Out of Boston and Launched a Revolution
by Roxane Orgill (Author)

Booktalk: Step back to British-held Boston and hear the voices of citizens, militiamen, and redcoats at a turning of the tide in the American Revolution . . .

Back matter includes source notes, a glossary, and a bibliography.


from the swivel gun
from the carriage gun
HMS Nancy
of the king’s navy
supply ship
bound for Boston–
Hauled to Cape Ann
what a prize!

A 2018 Cybils Poetry nominee

BONUS! Download the Teacher’s Guide

Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

Copyright © 2018 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.