To the Moon and Back


To the Moon and Back: My Apollo 11 Adventure: A Pop-Up Book

By Buzz Aldrin and Marianne Dyson

Illustrated by Bruce Foster

National Geographic, 2018

In this gift-worthy, sturdy, pop-up book, middle-grade space enthusiasts will find a wealth of little-known details, personal remembrances, and photos from the quest to land men on the surface of the moon. In addition, the science and engineering is explained clearly and simply.

Buzz Aldrin begins with the start of his NASA career as an astronaut in the year 1963.  He then chronicles the successes and failures of the many Gemini, Soyuz, and Apollo missions that preceded the famous voyage of Apollo 11.

Tucked within the pages and pop-ups, are pull-out sections titled Space Race and Aldrin Family Reflections.  The pop-ups, created by paper engineer, Bruce Foster, include (among others) the Saturn V rocket which pops out to a height of over one foot, a lunar module, and the deploying parachutes of the lunar capsule’s splash landing.

One section titled, “Saved by the Pen,” includes this recollection:

     “After 21 hours on the moon, it was time to go. But the ascent engine’s arming circuit breaker was broken off!  If we didn’t find something to replace the pin, the engine wouldn’t start.  We’d be stuck on the moon.

Armstrong and I looked around.  We found a felt-tipped pen that fit into the slot. Problem solved!”

After reading To the Moon and Back, you will have a greater appreciation of what is often described as one of humanity’s greatest feats of engineering.  The beautiful photos, pop-ups and a build-your-own lunar module are just icing on the cake.

Buzz Aldrin finishes his account with a query,

“Will we celebrate Apollo 11’s 100th anniversary under the pink skies of Mars?”

He hopes so.  And perhaps it will be a woman who first steps on the red planet. I hope so.




Copyright © 2018 L Taylor All Rights Reserved.

See all of my reviews (and my personal photograph of author Buzz Aldrin) at




Path to the Stars

Path to the Stars, My Journey from Girl Scout to Rocket Scientist
by Sylvia Acevedo
320 pages; ages 10 & up
Clarion Books, 2018

Rocket science is cool. It’s not all about igniting rockets in your back yard – though that is what Sylvia Acevedo did. A lot of rocket science is math. OK, most of it’s all about the math.

Her love of math is what led Sylvia to science. Her experiences as a Girl Scout provided the platform for her to build upon. Scouting taught her to create opportunities for herself. Scouting helped her plan for the future. It helped her develop entrepreneurial skills (so that’s what cookie sales were for. I thought it was all about the Thin Mints!) and nurtured her self confidence.

What I like love about this book: I loved the scene where Sylvia wove fabric strips and newspapers into a sit-upon. I remember how, in Brownies, we made sit-upons to take to day camp. And net bags for dunking our dishes into steaming water. And how we carried something in our pocket…

Sylvia talks about working for badges, and wanting to do science. Back then, there weren’t so many STEM badges, but she describes her experiments with plants and rockets to earn a science badge. Now girls can choose to explore plants, animals engineering, cyber-security, programming, robotics, and more. She tells a wonderful story about learning how to do regular car maintenance – things like changing oil, checking tire pressure, and replacing worn fan belts. Badges and scouting experiences taught her that she could take control of situations and be prepared for the unexpected.

The other thing she learned: aim high. Sylvia aimed toward space. She worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as an engineer, testing equipment for a solar probe that launched this summer (it takes a long time to build a probe for such a mission!). She also worked on the Voyager 2 flyby of Jupiter.

In an epilogue, Sylvia writes about the heroes who inspired her: Clara Barton, Florence Nightingale, Helen Keller. Although Sylvia isn’t working on space projects at this time, she’s still aiming high. As CEO for Girl Scouts of the USA, she is helping girls all across the country aim for the stars.

Head over to Archimedes Notebook for an interview with Sylvia.

STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2018 Sue Heavenrich All Rights Reserved.

The Big Book of the Blue

Let’s take a look at one of the picture books nominated for a Cybils award, The Big Book of the Blue by Yuval Zommer.

Reviewing this book was a joy. First thing you notice is the beautiful blue color and the oversized dimensions, perfect for a book about the huge, expansive ocean. Then you pop it open and you see the playful, lively illustrations. You can imagine the fish swimming and the jellyfish bobbing. Delightful!

That isn’t all there is to discover. In the front matter is a challenge to find a sardine tucked into the illustrations throughout the book (the answers are in the back). Delving deeper, you find general discussions of different creatures found in the ocean before discovering two page spreads about specific ones from sea turtles to dolphins. Each one makes full use of the extra space and some are oriented landscape versus portrait. They are gorgeous! And packed with great information!

The back matter includes “Did you find?” the answers to the sardine challenge, “Fishy Phrases” about scientific vocabulary, and a whale-sized index. But don’t expect to arrive at the back matter quickly. Once you start swimming into the book, you will want to immerse yourself.

The Big Book of the Blue is the type of book that begs to be shared. Grab a copy, find a quiet corner, and spend time with it. Children will love it.

Today our review is at Wrapped in Foil blog.

Copyright © 2018 Roberta Gibson All Rights Reserved.


Making Models

My new Focus on STEM column: Making Models is in the November Quick Tips for Schools and Libraries newsletter.

Fall is here, and with the colder weather comes the yearly science fair. It’s time for students of all ages to think of a new way to solve an old problem and then test their ideas. To plan their experiments and to share their results, these young scientists will need to develop models.

Click here to read Making Models with eight #kidlit science books that support the Next Generation Science Standard for Developing and Using Models in the classroom and library.

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2018 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Bugs Don’t Hug, Six-legged parents and their kids

Bugs Don’t Hug, Six-legged parents and their kids, by Heather L. Montgomery; illus. by Stephen Stone

32 pages; ages 3-7; Charlesbridge, 2018

Mommy and daddy bugs don’t give good-morning kisses. They don’t tie shoes or untangle hair. And bugs don’t hug.

Open the pages and you find that there are things parent bugs simply “don’t do”. They don’t serve eggs and toast. They don’t play peekaboo. But when you turn the page you discover …

Yes! Bug parents are just like human parents. I like the way author Heather Montgomery uses compare-and-contrast to show the similarities and differences in parents. Maybe bugs don’t bake birthday cakes, but they do make a cake for their babies. It’s fun and best of all – surprising! The illustrations are cartoony and fun. And I LOVE the back matter (of course) – more about each of the insects featured in the book plus a note on scientific language. And a list of books to read for the naturally curious kids.

Head over to Archimedes Notebook for another book about animal parenting and some Beyond-the-Book activities.

STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2018 Sue Heavenrich All Rights Reserved.

Dog Science Unleashed

Today at Growing With Science blog we have highlighted  Dog Science Unleashed: Fun Activities To Do With Your Canine Companion by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen and with photographs by Matthew Rakola.

Jodi Wheeler-Toppen has come up with over 20 fun and appropriate hands-on science activities for kids to discover more about dog biology and behavior. For example, they can learn more about what colors dogs see by hiding different colored balls in a grassy lawn and watching how easy it is for the dog to find them.

Safety is first with all these activities. The author remind kids to watch for signs the dog is upset or uncomfortable, and to quit the activity if the dog is unhappy. Also, make sure the dog has access to water and plan lots of breaks even if the dog is enjoying himself.

As to be expected from National Geographic, the photographs are fantastic. The photographer followed kids and their super-photogenic dogs as they tried out the activities. The results are inspiring.

The bottom line is that Dog Science Unleashed is a great choice for dog lovers, as well as budding zoologists and veterinarians.

Visit the blog for more information.

Copyright © 2018 Roberta Gibson All Rights Reserved.

Over on a Desert

Over on a Desert: Somewhere in the World
by Marianne Berkes (Author) and Jill Dubin (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Deserts are full of surprises! Count to ten as you see an amazing array of animals that call this driest place on Earth their home. Additional animal information, a world map, and sheet music in the back of the book.


BONUS! Download the free activities!

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2018 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Animal Zombies

Animal Zombies, by Chana Steifel

96 pages; ages 8-12. National Geographic Children’s Books, 2018

I love a scary book that opens with a warning. And this one does: “Beware! You are about to enter the darkest, creepiest corners of our world. You’ll collide with creatures that invade brains, drink blood, and even devour their own moms!”

If you’re brave enough to turn the page you enter the Zombie Zone… you’ll meet harmless ladybugs turned into monsters by parasitic wasps, zombie cockroaches and crickets and ants. Chana Steifel brings readers up close and personal to leeches and lampreys, aliens, body invaders, and the kraken!

But wait! There’s more! We get to meet “mad scientists” who study bloodsuckers and body snatchers. Steifel includes profiles of  a nature photographer who has clicked photos of zombie spiders and infected insects. We also meed “bat man”, a shark scientist, wolf man, and a bug scientist who loves book lice (and other really creepy crawlies).

Don’t worry. Steifel has also included a handy list of items you’ll need in your Zombie Emergency Kit. Pack your go-bag and you’ll be ready for the zombie apocalypse – or the next hurricane, blizard, or wildfire.

And if you’re lucky, you’ll reach the last page alive and ready to head out and look for zombies in the real world.

STEM Friday

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2018 Sue Heavenrich All Rights Reserved.

He’s Your Daddy

He’s Your Daddy: Ducklings, Joeys, Kits, and More
by Charline Profiri (Author) and Andrea Gabriel (Illustrator)

Booktalk: “If you were an animal – wild or tame, would you know your daddy’s name?” Every page answers this question with a different animal. Meet a joey riding piggy-back whose daddy is a sugar glider, a calf whose daddy is a towering giraffe, and a tiny fry floating next to its seahorse daddy. Additional animal information, matching game, and tips in the back of the book.


BONUS! Download the Match Game!

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2018 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

All About Bats

All About Bats

by Caryn Jenner

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This time of year, teachers and librarians are often frustrated by the fact that many of the good Halloween books have already been checked out of the library.  If you need another book to complete your Halloween story time,  All About Bats is a good addition.  The photos are big, uncluttered images of real bats, and the text is simple enough for three-year-olds.  Here is the text from a double-spread “chapter:”

Bat Wings

There are many kids of bats.  They all have webbed wings and furry bodies.

You can have fun and do a bit of learning in Halloween story time, too!

Three interior spreads from All About Bats are available on the publisher’s website.


Copyright © 2018 L Taylor All Rights Reserved.

See all of my reviews at Shelf-employed.