Old Macdonald Had a Phone

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Old Macdonald Had a Phone
by Jeanne Willis (Author) and Tony Ross (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Old Macdonald loves his phone: it helps him organize his farm. But when the animals each get one of their own, they are soon on their phones all day–“Here a tweet, there a chat, WhatsApping the farm cat”–and before they know it, no work is getting done!

What can Old Macdonald do? Sing along to the tune of “Old Macdonald Had a Farm” and see!


Copyright © 2021 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Jump at the Sun

Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Jump at the Sun: The True Life Tale of Unstoppable Storycatcher Zora Neale Hurston
by Alicia D. Williams (Author) and Jacqueline Alcántara (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Zora was a girl who hankered for tales like bees for honey. Now, her mama always told her that if she wanted something, “to jump at de sun”, because even though you might not land quite that high, at least you’d get off the ground. So Zora jumped from place to place, from the porch of the general store where she listened to folktales, to Howard University, to Harlem. And everywhere she jumped, she shined sunlight on the tales most people hadn’t been bothered to listen to until Zora. The tales no one had written down until Zora. Tales on a whole culture of literature overlooked . . . until Zora. Until Zora jumped.


Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

Copyright © 2021 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.