How to Change Everything: The Young Human’s Guide to Protecting the Planet and Each Other
by Naomi Klein (Author) with Rebecca Stefoff (Adapter)
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Booktalk: Warmer temperatures. Fires in the Amazon. Superstorms. These are just some of the effects of climate change that we are already experiencing.
The good news is that we can all do something about it. A movement is already underway to combat not only the environmental effects of climate change but also to fight for climate justice and make a fair and livable future possible for everyone. And young people are not just part of that movement, they are leading the way. They are showing us that this moment of danger is also a moment of great opportunity–an opportunity to change everything.
Snippet: In early 2020 the virus grew into a pandemic, a disease that affected people in nearly every country. Rates of sickness and death were tragically high. Millions of people had to change their ways, staying home and avoiding other people, to slow the spread of the virus. Schools closed in many countries, throwing kids into a new routine of learning at home while missing their friends.
At the end of this book you’ll find what I think we can learn from this shared worldwide experience. But as you read the following chapters, keep in mind that the coronavirus pandemic did not halt climate change–or the movement to bring climate change under control.
The movement is underway now. Its goal is to fight climate change while also making a fair and livable future for everyone. This is called climate justice. And young people are not just part of that movement. They are leading the way. Will you be one of them?

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