Waiting for a Warbler

Waiting for a Warbler
by Sneed B. Collard III (Author) and Thomas Brooks (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: In early April, as Owen and his sister search the hickories, oaks, and dogwoods for returning birds, a huge group of birds leaves the misty mountain slopes of the Yucatan peninsula for the 600-mile flight across the Gulf of Mexico to their summer nesting grounds. One of them is a Cerulean warbler. He will lose more than half his body weight even if the journey goes well. Aloft over the vast ocean, the birds encourage each other with squeaky chirps that say, “We are still alive. We can do this.”

Owen’s family watches televised reports of a great storm over the Gulf of Mexico, fearing what it may mean for migrating songbirds. In alternating spreads, we wait and hope with Owen, then struggle through the storm with the warbler.

Inspired by real life, the story’s hopeful ending reminds us to preserve the things we love. The back matter includes a North American bird migration map, birding information for kids, and guidance for how native plantings can transform yards into bird and wildlife habitat.


Copyright © 2021 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Butterflies Belong Here

Butterflies Belong Here: A Story of One Idea, Thirty Kids, and a World of Butterflies
by Deborah Hopkinson (Author) and Meilo So (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: A girl whose family has recently immigrated to the United States finds a home in a new place and a way to help other small travelers. This book is about the real change children can make in conservation and advocacy–by making a way station for monarch butterflies.


Copyright © 2021 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.