Escape the Mummy’s Tomb

Escape the Mummy’s Tomb: Crack the codes, solve the puzzles, and make your escape!
by Philip Steele (Author)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: This choose your own adventure escape book is a puzzle, a reference book, and story book in one. It’s an escape room in the form of a book!

It is 1300BCE in the Valley of the Kings and you’ve fallen into the shaft of a long forgotten tomb. Egyptian gods guard an important mummified pharaoh. The tomb is enshrined in magic and mystery, and protected with traps and curses.

Stay calm, use your wits, and consult the Eye of Horus wheel on the front cover. If you make the correct choices, you will make your escape!


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by Jane Goodall (Author) and Daishu Ma (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: After a blissful babyhood being cared for by her loving mother, Pangolina ventures out alone into the forest to become an independent adult, helped along by wise, older animal companions, including a civet and a bat. But one day cruel hunters trap Pangolina, putting her into a cage along with her friends, and bring them to a market to be sold as wild game. Pangolina is especially vulnerable, since her scales are prized by humans who believe they have curative powers. To the rescue comes a small girl who knows that pangolins are friendly fellow creatures who have feelings too, and who convinces her mother to buy Pangolina and set her free.

Snippet: Once I was startled when a large creature — a bit like a fox with wings — flew low over us. My mother told me not to worry because it was only a fruit bat.

Almost every night, Bat flew past us with his pals, and we became good friends.

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

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