Juan Hormiga

Juan Hormiga
by Gustavo Roldan (Author / Illustrator) and Robert Croll (Translator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: Juan Hormiga, the greatest storyteller of his entire anthill, loves to recount his fearless grandfather’s adventures. When Juan and his fellow ants gather around for storytime, he hypnotizes all with tales of his grandfather’s many exploits — including his escape from an eagle’s talons and the time he leapt from a tree with just a leaf for a parachute. When he’s through telling these tales, Juan loves to cozy up for a nice long nap. He’s such a serious napper that he takes up to ten siestas every day! Though well loved by his ant friends, Juan decides telling tales and sleeping aren’t quite enough for him — it’s time to set off on his own adventure.

Snippet: If there was one way in which Juan Hormiga was second to none, it was his way of taking a nap.

Copyright © 2021 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Long Distance

Long Distance
by Whitney Gardner (Author, Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: Vega’s summer vacation is not going well.

When her parents decide it’s time to pack up and leave her hometown of Portland, Oregon, behind for boring Seattle, Washington, Vega is more than upset–she’s downright miserable. Forced to leave her one and only best friend, Halley, behind, Vega is convinced she’ll never make another friend again.

To help her settle into her new life in Seattle, her parents send Vega off to summer camp to make new friends. Except Vega is determined to get her old life back. But when her cellphone unexpectedly calls it quits and things at camp start getting stranger and stranger, Vega has no choice but to team up with her bunkmates to figure out what’s going on!


Copyright © 2021 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.