Let’s Play! A Book About Making Friends

Let’s Play! A Book About Making Friends
by Amanda McCardie (Author) and Colleen Larmour (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: When Sukie’s family moves and she has to start at a new school, she feels shy and lonely at first. But soon she learns that receiving small acts of kindness–someone saying hi, or saving a hoop for her–makes her feel braver, and that passing friendliness along is a good feeling, too. Before long, Sukie, Joe, Poppy, and Stan are all becoming friends!


Copyright © 2021 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Where Are You, Agnes?

Where Are You, Agnes?
by Tessa McWatt (Author) and Zuzanna Celej (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: Agnes Martin was born on the Canadian prairies in the early twentieth century. In this imagining of her childhood, Agnes spends her days surrounded by wheat fields, where her grandfather encourages her to draw what she sees and feels around her: the straight horizon, the feeling of the sun, the movement of birds’ wings and the shapes she sees in the wheat.

One day, Agnes’s family moves to a house in a big city. The straight horizon and wheat fields are gone, but Agnes continues to draw what she sees and feels around her. No one except her grandfather understands what she is trying to capture — not her mother, who asks, “Where are you, Agnes?” when she sees her daughter engrossed in her drawing; nor her siblings, who think her art is ugly. Still, Agnes keeps trying to capture what she sees inside her mind.

Agnes Martin grew up to become a famous abstract expressionist artist.


Nonfiction Monday

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