Good Night to Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

Good Night to Your Fantastic Elastic Brain
by JoAnn Deak (Author), Terrence Deak (Author), and Neely Daggett (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: Go to sleep and grow your brain!

During the day, your brain helps you do things like eat, walk, play with friends, and learn new things―and using your brain helps it stretch and get stronger. But did you know that you have the power to grow and train your brain just by going to sleep? In fact, while you’re resting, your brain is doing some of its most important work!

Learn about the important jobs your brain does at night like:

  • Locking in what you learned during the day
  • Resetting itself so that it’s ready when you wake up
  • Even taking a bath to make sure it’s clean and healthy!


It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2022 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Carlota no dice ni pío

Carlota no dice ni pío (Spanish Edition)
by José Carlos Andrés (Author) and Emilio Urberuaga (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: Little Carlota is timid and afraid to speak. One day, by accident, she is locked inside the pantry, alone with only tomato cans and marmalade jars around her. Using her voice will be the only way to help her get out of there.

Carlota no habla. Todo el mundo la entiende tan solo con sus gestos y miradas. Hasta que un día, persiguiendo a su amigo Tom el ratón, entra en la despensa y la puerta se cierra de golpe. La niña se queda encerrada. ¿Qué hará Carlota? Parece que la forma de salir de allí tiene que ver simplemente con el uso de su voz.


Copyright © 2022 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.