The Sea of Always

The Sea of Always (Thirteen Witches Book 2)
by Jodi Lynn Anderson (Author)
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Booktalk: After twelve-year-old Rosie Oaks’s triumph over a powerful evil witch, a whole new world opened up to her–one full of witches who control many of the experiences that make life worth living and use their dominion to torment people. As the latest in a line of powerful witch hunters, it’s up to Rosie to defeat them. With her loyal friend Germ by her side and her newly created witch-weapon at the ready, Rosie leaves home on a quest to find and vanquish the remaining of the original Thirteen Witches.

With the help of an enchanted time-traveling whale, Rosie travels through the depths of the sea and across vast distances as she seeks to fulfill her destiny. The lives of those she loves hang in the balance and her skills are put to the ultimate test as Rosie digs deep for the strength to complete her quest. But can one girl truly hope to eliminate forces that have been at work for centuries?

Snippet: The problem with living inside the belly of a magical whale for eighty-eight days is the boredom. My best friend, Germ, and I are making the best of it by playing War.

“You got all the aces,” Germ says. She is lounging on a La-Z-Boy, eating Doritos. “You always get aces.”

“You’re exaggerating,” I say. But she’s right, I do get all the aces.

I look at my hand, the wrinkled cards we’ve played a thousand times since boarding. My pile is huge and Germ’s is dwindling. This happens all the time, and yet… and yet… somehow, even though it’s purely a game of chance, Germ always wins. I’m so close to victory, I can taste it, but I’m pretty sure it will slip away.

I know this is not typically what anyone would expect to find in here, two twelve-year-old girls playing cards and stuffing their faces. To look around, you wouldn’t even know we’re inside an ageless, time-traveling creature at all. If anything, it looks like Germ’s grammie’s house, which I visited once when we were little.

Copyright © 2022 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

A Head Full of Birds

A Head Full of Birds
by Alexandra Garibal (Author), Sibylle Delacroix (Illustrator), and Vineet Lal (Translator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: When the other kids mock her at recess, Nanette doesn’t listen. She’d rather focus on puddles, spider webs, and whatever she can create with her hands. One day a boy named Noah–who’d rather fly paper airplanes than listen to the lesson–starts sitting at Nanette’s table. At first, Noah finds Nanette confusing and a little frustrating. But her ideas look like so much fun. . . A story of neurodiverse friendships

Snippet: The next day at recess, the rain is pouring down.
Nanette walks into the middle of the schoolyard.
Then she stands there, not moving, her palms facing the clouds.
Noah’s friends point at her:
“She’s so stupid! She’s so stupid!”

Copyright © 2022 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.