Fighting for YES!

Fighting for YES!: The Story of Disability Rights Activist Judith Heumann
by Maryann Cocca-Leffler (Author), Vivien Mildenberger (Illustrator), and Judith Heumann (Afterword)
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Booktalk: From a very young age, Judy Heumann heard the word NO. When she wanted to attend public school, the principal said, “NO.” When she wanted her teaching license, the New York Board of Education said, “NO.” Judy and people with disabilities everywhere were tired of hearing “NO.”

In the 1970s an important disability rights law, Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, was waiting to be signed. Judy and other disability rights activists fought for “YES!” They held a sit-in until Section 504 was signed into law. Section 504 laid the foundation for the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was established thanks in large part to the ongoing work of Judy and her community.


Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.


by Melanie Brown (Author) and Sara Gillingham (Illustrator)
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Booktalk: Daisy is new to the garden and just opening her petals to the sun when Rose tells her that she’s just a weed. What’s a weed? Daisy asks. Weeds aren’t planted on purpose, Rose explains, and they only get in the way. Soon Daisy compares herself to other plants in the garden: she isn’t tall like Sunflower, nor sweet like Strawberry, nor fragrant like Rose. Daisy worries that Rose might be right–that she is a weed after all–until a strange and beautiful plant offers Daisy a different perspective. Maybe Daisy can choose her own purpose! And why do others get to decide who she is?


Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.