We Are Lions!

We Are Lions!
by Jens Mattsson (Author), Jenny Lucander (Illustrator), and B.J. Woodstein (Translator),
@ Amazon | Bookshop

Booktalk: The narrator and his big brother have the best game in the world together. They are dangerous lions on the savannah! One day, big brother doesn’t want to run around anymore. His stomach hurts. He has to see the doctor and take medicine, and even has to stay at the hospital.

Lions don’t want to be trapped by wires and tubes! The narrator instigates a hunt, and the brothers run around the hospital together, chasing gazelles and startling the wildebeest. But big brother is very sick and can’t keep up. Lions can’t cry, his little brother insists. But they can miss the rest of their pride. With Mom and Dad, the narrator tries to comfort his sibling. Soon, he knows, the two lions will go hunting again.


I am a lion. My big brother is one too. ROOOOARR!
We are a pride. We hunt gazelles and wildebeest on the savanna.
When we catch them, we eat them. We are dangerous!

Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

One World: 24 Hours on Planet Earth

One World: 24 Hours on Planet Earth
by Nicola Davies (Author) and Jenni Desmond (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop

Booktalk: Our planet is always turning. It may be midnight in London, but in different time zones other living things are waking up, ready to hunt or feed or fight. As the clock strikes twelve, two sisters are spirited away on a journey to glimpse, in the span of a moment, extraordinary biodiversity: a mother polar bear and her cubs hunting seals in Svalbard, tiny turtles in India following the moon toward the sea, and enormous whale sharks gulping plankton in the Philippines.


Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

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