Global: One fragile world. An epic fight for survival.

Global: One fragile world. An epic fight for survival.
by Eoin Colfer (Author), Andrew Donkin (Author), and Giovanni Rigano (Illustrator)
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Booktalk: Time is running out for Sami and Yuki.

Sami and his grandfather live in a village along the Indian Ocean. They earn their living by fishing. But the ocean is rising and each day they bring back fewer and fewer fish.

Yuki lives in the far north of Canada where warming temperature are melting the ice. Polar bears have less food to hunt and are wandering into town looking for something to eat. Yuki is determined to do something to help the bears.


It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

What Is a Family?

Booktalk: I have an acrostic poem (shown below) in What Is a Family?, a middle grade anthology from Pomelo Books about all kinds of families.


Like What Is a Friend? (last year’s middle grade poetry anthology from Pomelo Books) all of the poems in this anthology were also ekphrastic poems, poems inspired by art. When I saw this photo, it reminded me of the tutoring I did at home (and in the neighborhood) when I was in high school, sitting at a kitchen table just like the one in this photo. Now after teaching elementary school, middle school, and college, I’ve come full circle and am working one-to-one again. Only this time, I’m sitting at a table with a laptop using Zoom talking to writers across the continent (and around the world) about their books. (Who could have imagined that? Not me!)

Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.