Ghost Catcher

Ghost Catcher
by Martha Hamilton (Author), Mitch Weiss (Author), and Kristen Balouch (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop

Booktalk: A barber in Bengal is so generous to others that sometimes he has nothing left for his own family. When he comes home empty-handed once again, his wife, tired of going hungry, sends him packing until he finds a way to feed the family. As the barber rests under a banyan tree, he is terrorized by a ghost. Through his cleverness he turns the frightening encounter into a solution to his problems. When he returns home to his grateful wife, their money worries are over, and the barber can continue to share with those in need.


Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

Do Fire Ants Fight Fires?

Do Fire Ants Fight Fires?: How Animals Work in the Wild
by Etta Kaner (Author) and Jenna Piechota (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop

Booktalk: Do dolphins teach? Do birds build apartment buildings? Do tapirs deliver packages? You may be surprised at the answers! Animals have to work hard to survive in the wild.


Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.