Amina’s Song

Amina’s Song
by Hena Khan (Author)
@ Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound

Booktalk: It’s the last few days of her vacation in Pakistan, and Amina has loved every minute of it. The food, the shops, the time she’s spent with her family–all of it holds a special place in Amina’s heart. Now that the school year is starting again, she’s sad to leave, but also excited to share the wonders of Pakistan with her friends back in Greendale.

Snippet: As I reach for a pair of silver earrings that my best friend, Soojin, might like, Zohra smacks my hand away.

“Don’t touch anything!” she hisses.

“How am I supposed to look, then?” I laugh as I rub my wrist.

“With your eyes, and then keep walking. Tell me what you like, and I’ll go back and get a good price.”

“What if I want see it up close? The market is overflowing with a dizzying array of goods–rows of glittery bangles in every color imaginable, bolts of silky fabric, and mounds of beaded slippers, hair accessories, and evening bags. It’s all screaming to be picked up, or at least photographed. I’ve already taken at least fifty photos and videos, and we’ve only been here for half an hour.

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