United Way


United Way
by Katie Marsico (Author)

Booktalk: How do nonprofits and charities work? What problems do they need to solve? In United Way, readers will discover the ways this organization contributes positively to the world. Sidebars and back matter ask questions for text-dependent analysis. Photos, a glossary, and additional resources are included.

Snippet: In order to build stronger communities, United Way relies on both paid staff and volunteers. They include doctors, counselors, lawyers, accountants, and teachers.

United Way depends heavily on people and organizations with strong financial, communication, and management skills. They coordinate the efforts of different individuals and groups involved in community projects.

Nonfiction Monday

It’s Nonfiction Monday!

Copyright © 2016 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

What’s That Smell?

What’s That Smell? A Kids’ Guide to Keeping Clean
by Rachelle Kreisman (Author) and Tim Haggerty (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Dogs do it. Birds do it. Even stinky skunks do it! Keeping your body clean is one of the most important ways we all get along. Learn why it’s important to your health, and the health of others, to stay clean and cut down on the stink!

Dust Mites!
These tiny bugs live in dust. They are picky eaters. What do they eat? Your dead skin! As your skin flakes off, dust mites are ready to eat. They leave waste droppings behind as they eat. The droppings are dust mite poop. It gets into the air and can make people with allergies sick. Achoo!

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Copyright © 2016 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.