Surface Tension

Surface Tension
by Mike Mullin (Author)

Booktalk: After witnessing an act of domestic terrorism while training on his bike, Jake is found near death, with a serious head injury and unable to remember the plane crash or the aftermath that landed him in the hospital.

A terrorist leader’s teenage daughter, Betsy, is sent to kill Jake and eliminate him as a possible witness. When Jake’s mother blames his head injury for his tales of attempted murder, he has to rely on his girlfriend, Laurissa, to help him escape the killers and the law enforcement agents convinced that Jake himself had a role in the crash.

Snippet: The congressman closes his copy of the Indianapolis Star and sets it aside. He stands, entering the boarding line. He flies this route often. Sometimes he gets upgraded to first class, but today he’s in coach. His frequent flier status lets him board ahead of most of the passengers. As he steps onto the jetway, I tap out a text on my phone. “Getting a bacon & egg biscuit. Want one?” The reply comes quickly, “No thx.” If I’d typed sausage, it would have meant that the congressman wasn’t on board. If the reply had been yes, the operation would have been scrubbed.

Copyright © 2018 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.


by Jim Whiting (Author)

Booktalk: An in-depth survey of the history of caving, as well as tips and advice on where to find caves, how to prepare, and the skills and supplies necessary for different types of caving.

Snippet: Running shoes or sneakers may be all right for show caves — caves that are open to the public — which often (but not always) provide guides to take you through the passages. But for serious caving, you’ll need a good pair of hiking boots.

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