Cracking Codes with Python

Cracking Codes with Python: An Introduction to Building and Breaking Ciphers
by Al Sweigart (Author)

Booktalk: Learn how to program in Python while making and breaking ciphers–algorithms used to create and send secret messages! You’ll begin with simple programs for the reverse and Caesar ciphers and then work your way up to public key cryptography, the type of encryption used to secure today’s online transactions, including digital signatures, email, and Bitcoin.

Snippet: Imagine you know someone on the other side of the world who wants to communicate with you. You both know that spy agencies are monitoring all emails, letters, texts, and phone calls. To send a secret message to that person, you both must agree on a secret key to use. But if one of you emails the secret key to the other, the spy agency will intercept this key and then decrypt any future messages using that key. Secretly meeting in person to exchange the key is impossible. You can try encrypting the key, but this requires sending that secret key to the other person, which will also be intercepted.

Public key cryptography solves this encryption problem by using two keys, one for encryption and one for decryption, and is an example of an asymmetric cipher.

It’s STEM Friday! (STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

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2018 ALA Youth Media Awards

The American Library Association (ALA) will reveal the next classics in children’s and young adult literature during its Youth Media Awards at 8 a.m. MT, Feb. 12, 2018, from Denver, Colorado.

Libraries, schools and book lovers from around the globe will follow the action live through ALA social media channels:

ALA Youth Media Awards include: 

Alex Awards

Coretta Scott King Book Awards

Coretta Scott King – Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement

John Newbery Medal

(Laura Ingalls) Wilder Award 

Margaret A. Edwards Award

May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lecture

Michael L. Printz Award

Mildred L. Batchelder Award

Odyssey Award

Pura Belpré Awards

Randolph Caldecott Medal

Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal

Schneider Family Book Award

Stonewall Book Award – Mike Morgan & Larry Romans Children’s & Young Adult Literature Award

Theodore Seuss Geisel Award

William C. Morris Award

YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults

Selected by committees composed of librarians and other literature and media experts, the awards encourage original and creative work in the field of children’s and young adult literature and media.

I am sending this early so you can plan ahead.
Will you join the #YMApjparty at 8 a.m. in Denver on February 12, 2018?

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