
Globalization: Why We Care About Faraway Events
by Carla Mooney (Author) and Samuel Carbaugh (Illustrator)

Booktalk: For centuries, people from different societies and cultures have made contact with each other and exchanged goods and ideas. Globalization is not a new thing, but in recent years, advances in transportation and technology have made it easier than ever to connect with people everywhere, whether they are sitting next to you on a bus, waiting for you at home, or sitting on a different bus halfway around the globe. Jet airplanes and great ocean ships carry people and goods everywhere in the world. Cell phones, computers, the Internet, and social media allow people to communicate instantly, no matter where they are. Through globalization, the world is becoming more interconnected and interdependent. Is globalization a good thing? Does globalization benefit all world citizens, rich and poor? Or does it only benefit a few, while harming others?

Snippet: Globalization is not new–it has happened throughout history. Globalization occurred when people traveled from one nation to another and exchanged goods, ideas, and culture. More than 2,000 years ago, Alexander the Great was king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. As he conquered new lands, his armies spread ancient Greek culture to many places in southwestern Asia, northern Africa, and southern Europe.

During the Middle Ages, the famous Silk Road stretched across Central Asia and connected China and Europe. The trading route passed the northern borders of China, India, and Persia (now Iran) to Eastern Europe, near modern-day Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. Merchants traveled in large caravans along the route.

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