Legacy: Women Poets of the Harlem Renaissance

Legacy: Women Poets of the Harlem Renaissance
by Nikki Grimes (Author)
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Booktalk: For centuries, accomplished women–of all races–have fallen out of the historical records. The same is true for gifted, prolific, women poets of the Harlem Renaissance who are little known, especially as compared to their male counterparts. In this poetry collection, the poet uses “The Golden Shovel” poetic method to create original poems based on the works of these groundbreaking women with the words from the original poems printed in bold in the new poems.

by Nikki Grimes

Caged innocents, we study the heavens for a
lightning bolt of justice, a hurricane
of grace towards parents whose sole sin is love of
us and freedom. Our sin? Being labeled disposable souls.

A 2021 Cybils Poetry nominee

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