Aim for the Skies

Our featured book, Aim for the Skies: Jerrie Mock and Joan Merriam Smith’s Race to Complete Amelia Earhart’s Quest by Aimee Bissonette and illustrated by Doris Ettlinger, takes us beyond a famous person who has been the subject of dozens of biographies (Amelia Earhart) and introduces us to two equally fascinating women who aren’t household names.

Separately, female pilots Jerrie Mock and Joan Merriam Smith both dreamed of flying around the world all by themselves. By sheer coincidence, they both decided to take off within a few days of each other. Soon people turned their journeys into a competition, which is something neither of the women had intended.

Given what happened with Amelia Earhart, there is plenty of tension in this book as the women encounter problem after problem. Will they survive to finish their flights? Which one will “win”? Readers will be on the edges of their seats until they find out for sure.

Aim for the Skies is a must have for aspiring pilots and general readers alike. Be prepared to take off on your own journey of discovery.

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