Everest: The Remarkable Story of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay

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Everest: The Remarkable Story of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay
by Alexandra Stewart (Author) and Joe Todd-Stanton (Illustrator)

Booktalk: In the late morning of May 29th 1953, the sun was shining brightly on the roof of the world, a gentle breeze was blowing and two men were there to witness it for the first time ever . Their names were Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay and the roof of the world was Everest. This is the story of how two very different yet equally determined men battled frost-biting temperatures, tumbling ice rocks, powerful winds and death-defying ridges to climb the world’s highest mountain.

Snippet: What made Hillary and Tenzing’s achievement all the more remarkable was that they had triumphed where so many others had failed before. Climbers had been trying to reach the top of Everest for more than thirty years.

A huge amount of time, effort, and money –not to mention national pride– had been invested in these attempts. Despite this, each one had ended in disappointment, and some even in death.

See the book trailer.

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