Pippa and Percival, Pancake and Poppy

Pippa and Percival, Pancake and Poppy: Four Peppy Puppies
by Deborah Diesen (Author) and Grace Zong (Illustrator)

Booktalk: A puppy named Poppy hears a rustling behind her fence and does what any curious puppy would–digs a hole under! There she finds another puppy! The puppies find two more floppy puppy friends and go on a galloping, gamboling adventure…until they catch a fright and go racing back to their loving homes.

A puppy named Poppy
Went out for a run,
Tumbling, rumbling,
Looking for fun.

She came to a fence.
She heard a big sound.
She dug a hole under,
And that’s when she found . . .


Another puppy!

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