The Way I Say It

The Way I Say It
by Nancy Tandon (Author)
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Booktalk: Sixth-grader Rory still can’t say his r’s, but that’s just the beginning of his troubles. First Rory’s ex-best-friend Brent started hanging out with the mean lacrosse kids. But then, a terrible accident takes Brent out of school, and Rory struggles with how to feel.

Rory and his new speech teacher put their heads together on Rory’s r’s (as well as a serious love of hard rock and boxing legend Muhammad Ali), but nobody seems to be able to solve the problem of Rory’s complicated feelings about Brent. Brent’s accident left him with a brain injury and he’s struggling. Should Rory stand up for his old friend at school–even after Brent failed to do the same for him?

Snippet: “Brent, your friends are here,” Mrs. Millikin announces.

Like last time, I almost don’t recognize him. He has a soft helmet over buzz-cut hair. His eyes are open oddly-wide. Spit is collected at the corners of his mouth. He stares at us and squints like he’s trying to focus. He stands up.

“I don’t want to be here!” he says.

He comes charging at me. Teresa stands up and grabs his arm before he can knock me over.

“Brent,” she says, her voice firm and calm. “Your friends came to visit you. We’re going to say hi and talk for a while. “Sit down.”

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