The Worried Wiseman

The Worried Wiseman
by Susan Eaddy (Author / Illustrator)
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Booktalk: One of the wisemen, Melchior, has the same dream night after night in which he is urged to follow a newly risen star. Worried about the perils he might encounter but certain he must make the trip, he embarks on the journey with his nonchalant and wise camel, Nubia.

Melchoir woke from the same worrisome dream.
It showed a dangerous man and a perilous journey.
It showed a newborn king and a star.
The star told him to follow and find this child king.

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One Reply to “The Worried Wiseman”

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning The Worried Wiseman! This is a book close to my heart and it took many years before it finally made it into the world.

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