I Am So Clever

I Am So Clever
by Mario Ramos (Author / Illustrator)

Booktalk: The big bad wolf is hungry and on today’s menu is Grandma, with Red Riding Hood for dessert. But no one is home at Grandma’s house, only a nightdress lying on the bed. The wolf puts on the nightie and sets off to see what he can catch dressed as Grandma.

Here comes Red Riding Hood. She looks clever, but the wolf knows who is smartest . . .

Yet this little girl is not so easily duped. And the wolf finds unexpected hazards in wearing a frilly petticoat in the deep dark woods.

Snippet: “Perfect! Perfect! Disguised as a grandmother I only have to stay under the covers and wait for my meal. . .

“Rats! Muttonhead! I forgot to wipe away my paw prints in front of the house!” the wolf yelped as he ran outside.


A gust of air slammed the door shut.
The wolf slunk into the woods to hide.

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