The Gullfather

The Gullfather: Birdsy Seagull (Vol 1. A Seahawk Situation)
by Jeff Sikaitis (Author), Jake Wheeler (Author), and German Torres (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop

Booktalk: In this graphic novel for middle grade, a misfit mafia of seagulls try to stay the top birds in Shoretown despite their many blunders and bonehead decisions.


Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.

A Place for Pauline

A Place for Pauline
by Anouk Mahiout (Author) and Marjolaine Perreten (Illustrator)
@ Amazon | Bookshop

Booktalk: Pauline lives with her mother, father, little brother and sister, and there’s a new baby on the way. Her friends tell her she’s lucky to be the eldest — she’s the one who gets new clothes and can stay up late — but Pauline isn’t so sure. In her busy, crowded, noisy house, she never knows what she’s supposed to do. One minute she’s told to help her little sister, and the next to leave her alone! It seems like she’s never in the right place at the right time, and her brother seems determined to prevent her from reading in peace.

So Pauline finds a secret hideaway, and in this quiet place, surrounded by her precious belongings, she can read her favorite books, make up stories and imagine being as free as a bird. But most of all, she dreams of sailing off to France where her grandmother lives, and one day she decides to do just that…


Copyright © 2023 Anastasia Suen All Rights Reserved.
