Night Stories: Folktales from Latin America

Night Stories: Folktales from Latin America: A TOON Graphic
by Liniers (Author / Illustrator)
@ Amazon* | Bookshop*

Booktalk: Discover classic (and spooky) folktales from across Latin America: the Iara, a mermaid (or a pink dolphin?) who lures young men to her underwater domain in the Amazon basin; La Lechuza, an enormous owl with the face of a woman, who terrorizes people who venture out after dark (a legend found in Mexico, Chile, and Uruguay); and La Luz Mala, a spooky, evanescent light that menaces gauchos and other travelers on the Argentine pampas. This 48-page comic also includes an introduction by David Bowles, the ecological, cultural, and historical background of these tales, and a bibliography.


Also available in Spanish as Cuentos de noche: Relatos de Latinoamérica

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