Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters

Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters: The Questioneers Book #1
by Andrea Beaty (Author) and David Roberts (Illustrator)

Booktalk: Rosie Revere is no stranger to flops and fails, kerfuffles and catastrophes. After all, engineering is all about perseverance! But this time, Rosie has a really important project to tackle–one that feels much bigger than herself.

Rosie’s beloved Aunt Rose and her friends, the Raucous Riveters–a group of fun-loving gals who built airplanes during World War II–need help inventing something new. And Rosie is just the engineer for the job!

After one flop . . . then another . . . and another . . . Rosie starts to lose hope.

Snippet: Rosie tripped, flipped, and landed on her back with a THUD! The easel teetered then tottered then fell on top of her. CRASH!

She lay on the ground under the easel and sighed.

Rosie knew that failing was part of engineering, but she didn’t like it. The Raucous Riveters were counting on her, and she would not let them down.

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